Stealth Camping | What it is & How to Find the Perfect Spot

Stealth camping on the side of the road is quite the experience. It can be challenging, against the rules, and sometimes a little bit stressful. The term never resonated with us until we decided to Walk Across the US, and now we want to share with you what it is, our five rules for stealthContinue reading “Stealth Camping | What it is & How to Find the Perfect Spot”

7 Road Trip Apps That Make Life Easier

Road Trips can go one of two ways. They’re either smooth sailing or they’re filled with bumps in the road that make you ready to call your trip quits early. After living full time on the road for the past two years we’ve learned a few things that might help make your next trip aContinue reading “7 Road Trip Apps That Make Life Easier”